Our Current Ventures:
These ventures are a part of the GSBP infrastructure that is currently being created to help address the mission of the organization (to foster entrepreneurship and social business innovation to solve social and environmental issues).
To learn more about our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please click here.
Fund - Generate revolving funds with corporate, business and personal donors for social business ventures.
ISEED Permaculture Homestead -
ISEED is an acronym for Innovation for Social Entrepreneurship and Environmental Development.
From GSBP Permaculture Homestead Office and home garden, we are growing food and we are creating a virtual platform and engage families to grow food ingredients at home, start with small potted herbs and grow into an urban food garden. We will provide produce and cooked food delivery, toolkit for growing food with nutritional education to needy students and families, cooking videos, engage households to share on ISEED social media platform building a movement and contributing to the Youth Rising Cookbook. This is the ISEED Permaculture Homestead link, facebook group link https://www.facebook.com/groups/642846582943122/ . We hope to hear from you on what you are doing from your homes.
ISEED Hub - ISEED, an acronym for Innovation for Social Entrepreneurship and Environmental Development. A food innovation, environmental, and entrepreneurship education base that supports incubation of local ventures that provides access to resources and that is replicable and connected globally. The local ISEED HUB will consist of a Commercial Kitchen, farm 2 table Cafe, Farm to Value-added Product Development space, a Youth Innovation space, and a Marketplace.
Youth Rising
Mobile Education Fleet - A mobile cafe (food truck), mobile farm (produce bus), delivery vehicle, mobile social business HUB (youth transportation and creative space) to empower the marginalized and school population.
And more! GSBP helps engage youth to create their own venture ideas that support the social issues they care about.
Our PAST Venture:
tBUG - the Bellevue Urban Garden: an urban community garden that grows food to conquer hunger, educate and inspire others to cultivate gardens of their own. It is the first venture that GSBP incubated from 2015-2019, bringing significant awareness to its work. It is now an independent venture, operating under an LLC and not under GSBP. As a food system and entrepreneurship incubator, GSBP hopes to seed youth farm and other food system ventures in the future.
Please consider making a gift to support the above ventures and our educational programs. In the notes, please indicate if you intend your donation for NFNB, or another specific venture.