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What we do:

We at GSBP are involved in a lot of efforts in our local community, nationally, and globally at scale. Also, we frequently partner with other organizations to multiply our impact and make a big impact in our communities.


Our primary reoccurring efforts can be categorized into two categories: ventures and education programs.


These ventures are a part of the GSBP infrastructure that is currently being created to help address the mission of the organization (to foster entrepreneurship and social business innovation to solve social and environmental issues).  GSBP is focused on Food System Social Business and Youth Innovations.

Past Ventures

tBUG - the Bellevue Urban Garden: an urban community garden that grows food to conquer hunger, educate and inspire others to cultivate gardens of their own.  GSBP is the first venture that has been 

incubated from 2015-2019, it is now an independent venture operating

Current Ventures

Fund - Generate revolving funds with corporate, business and personal donors for social business ventures.

ISEED Hub - ISEED, an acronym for Innovation for Social Entrepreneurship and Environmental Development. A food innovation, environmental, and entrepreneurship education base that supports incubation of local ventures that provides access to resources and that is replicable and connected globally. The local ISEED HUB will consist of  a Commercial Kitchen, farm 2 table Cafe, Farm to Value-added Product Development space, a Youth Innovation space, and a Marketplace.

eCommerce - An online platform for farm to table value added and other products to support an Entrepreneurship Fund

Mobile Education Fleet - A mobile cafe (food truck), mobile social business HUB combined with tBUG mobile farm to empower the marginalized and school population


And more!  GSBP helps engage youth to create their own venture ideas that support the social issues they care about.


Education Programs:


YouthRising summit/movement - The Youth Rising movement activities are Lead by Youth, Created by Youth,  Presented by Youth. We believe that youth are the innovators of the future. The Youth Rising Summit is a platform to spread youth-driven innovations. We want to give them the resources to create the future that they dream of.


Permaculture Training - We partner with climate smart agriculture experts to do permaculture training  to train youth and community to build ISEED to help build local and global ISEED sites around food, farm, forest, eco-resorts, and sustainable product economy.

Social Business Trainings - We facilitate Social Business forum and trainings. We are creating an online Youth RisingSocial Entrepreneurship University platform on how to design and implement social businesses

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